Restoration & Renovation

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Carriage House

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Ed Dwight’s Weathervane

Dwight 1

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Restorative Practices


The Influence of Mexican Art on Artistic Styles in the US

Saturday, April 6
Nuestro Legado/Our Legacy Series:
The Influence of Mexican Art on Artistic Styles in the US
Presented by Rebeca Cortés Valdez (wife of the late Dr. Jorge E. Fregoso Torres)
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Free Program with RSVP. Space is Limited.
J.E. Dunn Construction Theatre
Click here to RSVP

Rebeca Cortés Valdez was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. She holds a bachelor’s degree in interior design and ambience and a master’s degree in architectural science with a focus on conservation of built heritage. She collaborated on the production and layout of the publications of her late husband, Dr. Jorge Enrique Fregoso Torres, which include: La marica, a periodical publication that addresses issues such as self-esteem and depression, Monkey Ideas and Reflections, Details of a Spontaneous Architecture, and many others. She is also co-author of the book The Courtyard, an Interior Space.

For the past twenty-four years she has been dedicated to teaching on various subjects such as comic and caricature production in the Design for Graphic Communication and Contextualization of Space degree program at the University of Guadalajara. In this session, Rebeca Cortés Valdez will give a presentation demonstrating the influence of Mexican art on artistic styles in the United States.